The beginning of my activity as a fortune teller.

Mad fan of electronic music, raves, after parties, complete change of look.

YO, “HI” 2008.

I’ll unveil a bit more about myself: the day I was born, my moon was at the heart of spring in its mother house. A planet named Jupiter was over my head. My sun was shining, in the place where it is good for the mind. 

This makes me someone with my head in the stars, and my feet firmly on the ground, no more floating around, reason takes over, there is no confusion between dreams and reality.


After 16 years throwing myself into my work beyond reason, I started coaching people on personal development and inner elevation, on the request of my clients.

In addition to a wealth of lived experience, through which I gained knowledge and understanding, I learnt to savour words, to give them real meaning over and above what is written in the dictionary.

As for the alchemy of life, it is not enough simply to learn your lessons, you have to understand the meaning.

The journey was a long one, strewn with pitfalls, hardship, temptation and tough ordeals, to arrive in the privileged position of receiving my ancestors’ gift of healing. 

Important point: I cannot heal all illnesses, and won’t mention them here. For that, you need to trust in medicine, we are fortunate to live in a country endowed with great doctors.

My role is to help you uncover your hidden treasures, sources of energy lying dormant. Their strength offers youth and healing for the mind. They are assets to keep you on the winning side.

Like a magic potion which I have tested myself. My experience, based on concrete facts, has taught me many exceptional things and been the source of several volumes of writing, some of which were even entrusted to a legal counsel. 

These days, I have decided to apply a minimum selection process for my clientele. 

The criteria are based on rules and principles which befit me. I am fully aware of my responsibilities and nothing can influence or impact this decision, not even money. Some have tried in vain. 

How I work: 

- First rule, respect the person, their independence, their freedom.

- Second rule, my language may range from elegant and distinguished to that of a pirate. It is simply a question of adapting; the basics for a good command of communications. The neurones need to be tuned in to the same wavelength, intelligence. 

My methods are innovative, surprising and offer guaranteed results. All my work is done on an individual basis and is completely confidential. 

As a precaution, I shall say no more...

No need for a calling card, simply watch and observe my creativity to understand who I am.


I am comfortable operating in a universe full of mystery and mysticism, of symbols conveying messages which require careful thought and analysis. An absolutely fundamental skill in the mastery of the divinatory arts.


A whisper which springs from my guts, a transcendental passion in sync with the forces of nature. Creativity which must serve the needs of my gifts, make the soul smile. 

Autumn 2007, I say to myself “let’s go!”, excited, feeling the pressure, I jump on the ‘fantasmic dimension’ wave until spring.

30 spray paintings completed, zero degrees, telling the story of a witch’s adventures in search of light in the darkness. Unusual feature: they change with the sun and moon, everything becomes ablaze. Words and colours appear and disappear. I painted visions, talismans; though only a handful of these creations have been published online as a precaution before my exhibition.


A stroll through an indefinable space-time. My hedonistic curiosity takes me off the beaten track to explore a world of wonders invisible to the eyes, yet accessible to the mind. 

I passed through the mirror, through the reflections and electromagnetic waves. No alterations may be made to these photographs, that would be a serious mistake, a sacrilege. The penalty: I will take away all their magic. A gift must be respected.

There are three phases to the sale of my oracles, paintings and photos:

- Items can be selected via my website

- Some may be selected during exhibitions

- And others during auctions. 

There is a peculiarity to the series of talismans as the conditions required to produce them are rather unusual. It requires several months, so there are a limited number. Once again, regardless of the amounts offered, I reserve the right of refusal. I prioritise wisdom over greed. 

The 1m x 1m double-sided wooden ‘oracle of the muse of the shadows’ cards are not for sale, they are all part of a private collection. 

Some of the photographs may not be sold separately. They will be sold in limited, numbered editions.

I will make sure to keep you informed of events. The date has been chosen to mark the starting point...




The Earth’s magnetic field is suffering serious disruption. It will reposition itself on new poles, to remain balanced, it imposes its own rules, its rights, its movement. Currents are changing direction, the countdown to mark the beginning of a new cycle has begun, they are following a very specific trajectory. Their phenomenal, apocalyptic power is shattering the earth, right down to its core to bring forth fire. 

The blast of hurricanes will make the wave roar. We witnessed the dawn of this during the 2004 tsunami. This surge of natural disasters is only a hint of what is to come. 


Humans will no longer have a choice, it will be ‘do or die’. Floods of people whose only aim will be to reach water and sustenance. Primal instincts are likely to kick in to defend land and territory. A battle against an army of individuals who have years of practice fighting for survival. 

Cohabitation, trading and sharing will be necessary. These fertile seeds will enable our intelligence, our spirituality and many more treasures to thrive. Nothing must remain set in stone. That is how things evolve. Humans will be forced to think differently. 

But before that, we’re going to take a serious hit. Another evolutionary element: DNA, too much inbreeding leads to degeneration. It’s a long road to integrate this new information. 


Humans are going down the pan, spiralling into a black hole, the excess, the superficiality linked to garishness just to have a semblance of existence. Escape, their refuge, ‘a bitter madness’ where people feed on their own venom.


I shall not comment on the hidden phase of which no-one can be unaware. 


Nothing surprising, just a logical, mathematical conclusion drawing on observations over several years, due to the excessive, self-centred behaviour of societies yearning for wealth. In pirate language, it is known as “buggering”. The consequences will amount to what has been sown (to the power of +++++++++++++++++++++++++++).


I have chosen very basic topics to talk about this. I saw “learn to laugh” on TV. I scratched my head wondering what the hell it was all about. That’s when I said to myself, “this time I’m sure, I must be from another planet”. Laughter holds the same virtues as an orgasm: a tickling, electric, explosive rise in adrenaline that sets off vibrations which burst out. It produces tears of joy, happiness. Faking it does not heal, rather it frustrates. 


I’ve heard people say that you shouldn’t make your dreams come true so as not to break the spell???? My philosophy is completely different, I make my dreams come true according to events, to time, to who I am. Once they have come true, I continue, or move on to another. That way I have had the pleasure, the leisure of tasting something, of living. Sitting on your dreams leads to inner poverty. 


Better to make it your ally to cultivate your inner youth. 


Coming from peasant stock, my parents could neither read nor write, and they would beat me to make me go to school. My mother once came into class to give me a good hiding with an old shoe, HIHIHI! And how they were right. 

One teacher’s daily pleasure was to take down my pants and strike me. It was like a ritual. One morning, on a new day, in a new context, I went to show her my backside HAHAHA HIHIHI! I was even once categorised as an outlaw by Interpol.


The Mona Lisa, a time bomb, BOOM BADABOOM, a clash. 


It goes up, goes down, turns in circles, spirals: BIG BOOM, dizzying descent without a parachute, impact, crash, a crater of ashes. 


Technological, computer hacking, spectacular damage where reality will exceed fiction. 


Check it out, a dim-witted vampire with a scalded face! He’s drunk the magic potion without an antidote: ha-ha! yah-boo sucks!

There’s gonna be trouble.

Click on 2008 “BREAK TIME” painting. A witch……………………………….who plays ………………..a guy’s .......... 

Life goes on for the muse until she takes off again, for a fabulous, festive, magical journey to the land of dreams. 

Greetings to all my clients. 



My creations are available for viewing by appointment only.

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