
Prologue - Lucky painting.

The day everything began, I was like a chrysalis: creation which marks the beginning of a rebirth. The story behind this painting will be told on the day of the exhibition, then on my website.

It’s a real-life fairytale, still today, and I’d like to thank my religious trinkets for how things turned out.

Had my dream become a nightmare, had I traded in my soul to the devil: old age for youth, not to mention the rest??

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Here we go, the muse reaches the eye of the spiral, she discovers the blast of a cosmic wave.

Everything will be different; new, more gripping delights; need space to move; spine-tingling.

My imagination is fertile, exhilarated. Then... One day, publication of 12 kilos of PHANTASMAGORICAL writing, the story of a girl from another planet who connects to the earth’s magnetic field; she explains that the moon is a sanctuary, guardian of the soul’s hidden secrets. She watches the moon drape itself in misty blue veils.

She tells legends of children to set grown-ups’ hearts racing and let them dream.

Coming soon, the oracle of the muse of the shadows limited series (surprises).

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

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