Hi, time to unveil a bit more about who I am.

7th September is my saint’s day. When I was little my mother used to say, “Malika means queen”, and on top of that the moon is round and fertile, it’s a good omen. 

Now the muse has emerged from the shadows, time for the muse’s journey. By day, I read the cards to interpret signs and messages, by night I tune into my “cosmic connection”, I follow the mood of the waves of the eye of the spiral, the light.

It’s your turn to discover the journey of my nightly trips during summertime. I flirted with light, joyful moments (photo), just click to get the idea.

Some say I come from another planet, and I almost believed it at one stage, surprising myself by coming out with “Ah! You humans! “ 

But I am well aware that my home planet is earth, that I was born in the right part of the world, far from genocide.

Humankind lives in a dark world of shadows and illusion.

My definition, my feeling of this dark world of shadows and illusion is like living inside a bubble, like a tightrope walker, and having your brain crushed. It’s also like getting stuck in quicksand, where melancholy takes root to feed poisonous scavengers.

A way-out world of inner demons that shoot up the soul with torments of “mental sodomy”.

Inside the bubble, imagine a world like a salt desert, a wonderless world, “it’s eerie”.

Tuned into a different frequency, humans no longer understand the language of words, they need to learn to read again.

The arts, a universal spiritual language, will enable humans to think differently for the evolution of the species. Humans need to access a different dimension, the mysterious invisible world of the mind. Through art, the most important thing is to convey a message to enable this journey. And icing on the cake, you get to have a blast. It’s like sex, but for the mind.

Art will help us learn, so we can be more understanding, take a better approach.

My definition of art and creativity is pearls of innocence in the depths of our inner ocean. I also see it as teats that breastfeed the earth, that nurture our imagination, dreams and fantasies. In my mind, it’s also at the centre of the four seasons.



In days of old, witches were said to be wise women. Predatory inquisition turned them into something evil. I do not belong to any religious group or political party, but that does not stop me from thinking, having an opinion, it is perhaps high time to hand over the reins to the VI republic.


Humans are a multifaceted enigma, look at the number of human beings on the planet.


I’m a big fan, when I laugh, I say ‘ow, ow, ow, my belly hurts”.

My definition of laughter: a holy nectar with a sweet, flavourful taste, full of soft, warm desert colours, releasing subtle aromas which elate our frenzied senses.


This is like hauling a bundle stuffed with lies and cowardice down a path. “Betrayal” awaits you at the end of the road, ready to make you crack up, “the downer’s gonna suck”. My philosophy: you have to forge ahead with a bag full of dreams and rainbows.


Ours is a great and beautiful love story, especially when it comes to electronic music. For me, it is enchanting, healing.

The road to discovery, to awareness has been a long one. To escape the maze, my experience of raw materials, a treasure chest to get over mutations and revivals.

I learnt my philosophy from my parents, a cultural legacy. My father would always say, “you have to walk with your head held high.” My mother used to say, “even if you cut a donkey’s ears off, it’ll never be a racehorse.” You have to learn to walk before you can run.

I sail away, need to escape, see new horizons. Life goes on for the muse, ready to set off at the next full moon, when the seas nourish the earth at the centre of the four seasons.

A new connection through magnetic waves

The 3rd eye of the muse frees up waves on an alternative frequency, seeing things in a different light, in a fantasmic dimension.

A whole programme, spreading cosmic flow; “development of gifts”. 

For the next stage, my philosophy is like being at school: can do better. No more stories, no more definitions, no more feelings, everything must remain a secret for later (I may be a dreamer but I’m also clear-headed) only a few pages of writing, property of the muse, will be published in full:


Chapter 4

The eye of the spiral: The light of a pearly gaze.

2nd oracle: Journey of the muse


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